
Photography with an Architectural Attitude

Photography is a constant struggle between the search for an honest and true documentation of reality and the inevitable interpretation, distortion, and hoped-for enhancement of reality. The search is noble, but the inevitability is likely certain . . . and either goal will, thankfully, remain elusive.
— Richard Hulbert, 2010

Most photographs contain a “subject” within a “setting” or background. The reality is that architecture is both a “subject” and a “setting.” Think about all the images you have taken or will take in the future that contain building exteriors or interiors as the featured subject or as backgrounds to a myriad of other photo subjects.

We photographers like to quote the now famous marketing phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words.” It is the sharing of our thoughts and photographs, regardless of genre, that will inspire each of us to take our own photography to the next level.

By Rick Hulbert