Hands On HDR . . . High Dynamic Range Photography . . . a new, updated Weekend Workshop
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA March 23 & 24, 2013 SOLD OUT
HDR is all the rage and it is here to stay.
This workshop looks at how the process of HDR imaging can improve your Photography whether for casual travel, for professional publication, or for gallery display. We will discuss how to know when HDR is the right“ticket” for your intended destination.
We will take you from pre-visualizing the final image through capturing an actual scene, then re-visualizing your image, and finally, utilizing the right software to get you the results you desire.
We will discuss the elementary basics of how people see, how the camera sees, and why HDR photography can be so enticing and fulfilling. This is true whether you want to document reality or want to create a fine art interpretation of the environment around you.